Here's our Charter - ‘The Parky Charter’ - describing five things that people with Parkinson’s need from the government but are not getting.
Parkinson’s UK, Cure Parkinson's and Spotlight YOPD all support the principles of our Charter and we are partnering with them to bring it to the attention of politicians, but we need your help to do this! Soon we will be launching a new petition so keep an eye out on our website and we'll have more information soon (once the labour government appoint their petitions committee). In the meantime, spread the word. Tell your friends, family & fellow parky people all about the Charter and when it's time we'll be asking for your signatures again to trigger a debate in Parliament!
If you would like to read more about our initial ideas & listen to our episode about the Parky Charter please click here.
If you have any specific comments about the contents of the Charter, please send them to
Jeg har Parkinson og kommer fra Norge. Desverre så er det likt her. Får time hos nevrolog på sykehuset en gang i året, og timen varer ikke mange minuttene, så vi må selv lese om sykdommen på internett 🙈
Veldig bra at dere arbeider for å få sykdommen mer fram i lyset til befolkningen, og politikerene! 👏👌👍
I have PD (Diagnosed 2021) and am finding it very difficult to come to terms with it. Two months ago I had neurology appointment and was able to talk to someone about the struggles of the condition . That was the first opportunity to ask questions and get some advice. PD is a shock diagnosis and it has been extremely isolating to be given medication and then left to cope alone. Blessings to the M & S’s for highlighting PD issues. Jannette Sheffield
Keep up the good work. My husband has Parkinson’s and feels quite isolated in Somerset in terms of groups with similar issues. I am sure they are many in this County who are in the same position. Keep up the good work in raising awareness of Parkinson’s and its impact on people’ lives
Christine and Robert Bragg
I signed and encouraged my friends to sign too. I don't have PD myself but have found the podcasts so interesting and well presented. Keep up the good work!
How many signatures did the petition attract?